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Do not use this forum to solicit, or beg for, unreleased music. Any posts doing so will be deleted.


This forum is for collecting information on what songs were never released. It is not a marketplace for trading or distributing mp3s. We provide audio clips, when available, for as many of these unreleased songs as possible. These are to help people work out their unknowns. For this reason, short clips are easily sufficient. Thus, we will not allow full-length, high-quality mp3 rips of unreleased songs on Rolldabeats.com (or released ones, for that matter).


Some extremely lucky (and wealthy) people have acquired original dubplates from back in the day of some of these unreleased songs. Also, some people have actively sought out mp3s of unreleased material on file-sharing programs. While it isn't RDB's business what these people do with their acquisitions, we won't allow this forum to become a place for trading dubplates (acetate or mp3). Any posts asking for full-length mp3s from these users will be removed.


To clarify: we GREATLY appreciate users who submit audio clips of unreleased music (send these to rolldabeats@gmail.com). This helps everyone who browses RDB, especially since the unreleased entries and the audio for them will eventually be integrated into the searchable database. All we ask is that users refrain from posting full-length mp3s on this forum.

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