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About Bhima

  • Birthday 12/01/1987

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    Jungle Music

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  1. Hi all, Just been getting back into listening to d&b recently and naturally gravitated towards this place. I recently discovered a few info sheets included with some 12" promos I have. They include a brief description/blurb about the tracks and are generally used by media outlets to help promote the release. Then, I saw this interview with Jim of Source Direct where he describes in detail some of his favorite tracks and I thought it was valuable information/insight for the real nerds like me who want the whole back-story etc while discovering new music. https://gothamcitybl...-source-direct/ On Discogs, there's a comment section where you can learn quite a bit from people who help paint a picture of the context surrounding particular releases and I think some kind of database of track descriptions, reviews, anecdotes, etc could be an interesting addition to rolldabeats.
  2. OK, sure. I stand corrected. I knew I could count on you guys to clear it up! I wonder what "Personal" refers to on that plate...? Is it another unreleased one I don't know about?
  3. Goldie plays it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04tq45r It is listed as "The Calling", not "Take me Away". I'd be more inclined to go off Goldie's info in 2017 than whatever was speculated 12 years ago.
  4. buk97-3 KMC & Scarlet Lake - Mountain - Unreleased https://soundcloud.com/kmc/mountain
  5. http://www.rolldabeats.com/artist/dj_flash Mr Neil Johnston But NOT http://www.rolldabeats.com/person/neil_johnston
  6. Hmmm... Any idea what this is? Did it come out? Listen here at 1hr 41mins in.
  7. Yeah, I have this tune, it's unreleased. No idea why though. I looked around for it years ago and could not find it anywhere.
  8. Bhima

    Artist websites

    http://www.rolldabeats.com/artist/kondencuotas_pienas New website URL. (Old link just redirects to this one) http://www.kondencuotaspienas.lt/
  9. http://www.rolldabeats.com/artist/nsf http://www.rolldabeats.com/person/eric_macioszek is no longer part of the lineup.
  10. It's a one-off tape from 1997 with nothing written on it so, unless someone was there, nobody would be able to ID the event... To be more specific, it's this: http://www.dogsonacid.com/showthread.php?threadid=541387
  11. Atmospheric Jubilancy is on the other side of the plate, which was, without doubt, a 1993 tune. I thought Bukem's "Take Me Away" tune sounded like 1995 at first but that's 1993 too... Just shows how ahead of his time Bukem was!
  12. Trust me, it IS 1993! :laugh:
  13. http://www.filefactory.com/file/17f904/
  14. Got a random Bukem set with NO INFO. Done a tracklisting though. Even though I have no info for the night, is it OK to put it up?
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