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  1. did anyone rip these breaks?
  2. It sounds like it came from the amen that's used in yolk bish bosh to me.
  3. pretty sure it's in that unreleased mix of straight outta hell too.
  4. This "Collapse - Hold me in your arms" is not the original sample source is it? it's just another tune thats using the same samples as the other s no?
  5. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    Hi JJ just wondered if any more tapes had been ripped?
  6. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    Yay! Cheers JJ, look forward to them. Big Up.
  7. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    I distinctly remember kenny ken playing that lab logic tune on a kiss tape so it could well be.
  8. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    nice! did anyone have access to the 94 shows? the kenny ken ones, am desperate to hear that vip mix of babylon cru press up again.
  9. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    That'd be amazing... see above post. http://www.rolldabeats.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif
  10. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    If you could JJ that'd be amazing. I had most of those sets on tape, the 94 kiss ones. Mate in Brighton recorded them, could just about pick up Kiss with a spiders web of home made aerial coming out the back of his mums midi system in his living room at the top of a block of flats
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-PMx6x7PSA
  12. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

  13. Stimpy

    Kiss 100 FM Shows

    Are there any links to mp3's of the sets with tracklists? am specifically looking for the kenny ken sets from 94 and 95 please. Had tapes of them myself which have long since gone
  14. No not this version. Was mad, followed the same drum pattern kinda as the original it must have been between 94-98 I think as remember where was living when I heard it.
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