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please DO NOT post information about tunes on promo that will be coming out soon, this forum is for tunes that will never be released on vinyl


this area of the site is for old tunes that have never and will never be released.


if you know of a tune that exists, has been played out, you have a copy of etc that you are sure will never be released and is by an artist in the database then please let us know. ideally we would like to concentrate on tunes by more well known producers or at least tunes that have received a fair amount of play or were scheduled for a release on a particular label.


please feel free to include VIP/special/alternate mixes of tunes even if there are only a minor differences from the version that was finally released. if a special mix is just a plate of the original tune with a DJ's name on it then please do not include it especially if there were loads of different versions for different DJs. however if there has been some alteration to the tune for the mix, even if it is only relatively small, then feel free to post about it.


unreleased tunes will be credited to artists on their artist page but if a tune is definitely related to a particular label then please include the information in the post.


Please add an approximate prodcution date to the tune as well. Obviously there is not release date but it would be nice to have at least the year in which the tune was made for all unreleased tunes


if you have sound clips of any releases then please let either myself or tarzan know, these will be used in the future.


please post any questions in this thread regarding this topic


Here's the real kicker: I have a few unknowns (like most people) that have simply never been IDed, after X-amount of years and various heads listening to em. Does that mean they're unreleased tunes? Probably, but not 100% sure.


List them or not? :?:


To me, it seems like we should list tunes that we're uncertain of, because the worst that could happen is that someone would come through and listen to the clip and ID the tune - problem solved

the ID thing i dunno...i think we'd just have to leave as unknowns at the mo. only list stuff that we know exist and have details for
To me, it seems like we should list tunes that we're uncertain of, because the worst that could happen is that someone would come through and listen to the clip and ID the tune - problem solved


Although I can see the problems for this section of the forum if this happened, I agree with Logic.


I can think of a few tunes that I asked DJs about or saw in their Top 10s in 93/94 that I don't think got released (especially Bukem!!). For example:


Danny C - Deadly Intentions

Codename John - Inta (dubplate mix)

L Double - Hunt & Seek


Maybe some probably did get released but there'll be a lot that only the likes of Bukem, Grooverider etc. will be able to ID. It would be good if there was somewhere we could post clips so that any DJ/producer that used this forum might be able to give more details.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
I dunno. I think this section is pretty ridiculous, to be honest. Isn't this supposed to be a discography site??? There are literallly thousands and thousands of tunes in hardcore/jungle that never got released. Aside from that, it's hard enough getting correct info for tunes that did get released so to include tunes with artist & title based on hearsay is pointless. A case in point. Someone uploaded a mix on Soulseek a few years ago that had in it's title "including Genie In A Bottle Remix by DJ Dara". As far as many people are concerned I did that remix (which of course I fuckin didn't). So, in this section that could be added to my discography when it is just blatantly untrue. I guess the bottom line is there is no point in doing a site like this unless it is based on fact and this idea is so open to guesswork it makes no sense including it. Just my opinion.

i see your point and to a certain extent agree.


the main idea was to have soundclips for the tunes which will all be in place when the new version of tarzan goes live. the stuff i've posted all exists and although you're right about there being way too many tunes that never came out to catalogue them all this section is in no way meant to be complete. it's not my intention to have people putting up tunes that they've got off mp3 mixes and stuff that is mislabelled, the tunes that will be accepted into this bit of the site will have to pass some kind of screening process to make sure they're all genuine - most likely soundclips that can prove whether it is what the person says it is


the focus will always still be on the discography part of the site, this is only a little extra bit that has a few tunes that we know exist and people might want to know about. just a little something extra that you don't have to take too seriously but adds a little extra to the listings we have on the site. people (especially dnb fans) always like to know about the stuff they have no chance of getting, there is no real point to this section other that to provide some audio of stuff that will probably never see the light of day


And Dara the other thing I think we're hoping for is that bigger names in the scene (much like yourself) will come through and verify information in the db, both standard releases and unreleased tunes. This isn't an expectation (I know Grooverider isn't ever gonna come on here and tell us we misspelled a tune of his), just wishful thinking.


I have a lot of clips I've never gotten IDs for, and at this point I'm pretty convinced they're all unreleased, but until that gets verified it won't go up in this section. That's why we really need DJs who played out back in the early years to confirm/ID that kind of thing

I'm more than happy to help out by iding or hassling other DJs to id tunes. All I'm saying is that this section can't be viewed as factual as a lot of those guys can't even remember names of tunes they made themselves. Should be fun tho. Bring on the clips. :)

yeah this section is never gonna be 100% reliable or anywhere near complete. like i said just a place where i can list tunes that i know are unreleased and hope that a few others who i would class as reliable sources on this type of information can list up a load of stuff.


if producers come on here then it would be nice for them to let us know some stuff that they made that got played out but was never released. really this area is just a bit of fun though, a chance to put up a few extra clips and that's about it.


as far as using this section as a place for IDs listed above then i don't agree. only tunes that you know the name of, know who they are by and have a verifiable audio clip (if possible) should be posted up here

as far as using this section as a place for IDs listed above then i don't agree. only tunes that you know the name of, know who they are by and have a verifiable audio clip (if possible) should be posted up here


Which is exactly what I said if you'd only read. :x :lol: :wink:


I think looking back at the tunes we've already catalogued in this section is justification for its existence. It's easy to say that all this stuff can't be verified, completed, whatever, but if one scrolls through the pages of threads we already have, it's pretty clear that there is a wealth of valuable information here that can be documented and, in most cases, even given some degree of attribution

Which is exactly what I said if you'd only read. :x  :lol:  :wink:
you should know that i never read what people actually say...much more fun to just half read things and take a guess at what i thought they were gonna say :lol:
I think looking back at the tunes we've already catalogued in this section is justification for its existence.  It's easy to say that all this stuff can't be verified, completed, whatever, but if one scrolls through the pages of threads we already have, it's pretty clear that there is a wealth of valuable information here that can be documented and, in most cases, even given some degree of attribution

yeah totally, but then the people who have been posting tunes so far i'd call "reliable" and i wouldn't question the info they've put up. what i want to avoid is lots of people coming on and listing tunes that we can't verify and perhaps getting incorrect things entered into the db cos of it

  • 2 weeks later...

other notes on what qualifies:


If a tune is released on CD only then it does not qualify. However, if it is a mixed CD and the tune is not available anywhere in an unmixed format then it counts as unreleased. A good example of this is the Bad Company remix of Sardines that appeared on the Metro CD. This tune counts as unreleased.

  • 10 months later...
I've never heard of any original mix of the tune. I presume one exists and, if it does, it definitely never came out. I wouldn't want to to list it until someone posts that they have definitely heard it and/or can provide a clip of it
  • 3 years later...

the first one has a known sound, but i dont know this song.

The second sounds very italo-ish so i bet that someone should know this one.

and neither do i know the last one...


hope an other can help you good luck

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