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  • 1 year later...

The audio clips in this forum are all broken. At some point, one of the IPB updates broke all the concencated urls. First they were coming up with all <a> tags when you edited/quoted a post, now having fixed that its broken all the links, doh


they all look like this: http://www.rolldabeats.com/audio/breaks/th...e_president.mp3


IS there a direct link to the clips directory? I know there is one, because it was discussed on the forum before, for the 'Samples' archive... Cant find the thread.


Like, directory listing access to http://www.rolldabeats.com/audio/breaks/ ? :smile:

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The clips are still there, but the direct links broke during a forum software update. All you need to do is correct the url.




Given that I've taken over the updates to the database and Haste is working flat out on some behind the scenes stuff, these aren't really top priority at the moment...




edit: in fact, if the click through link isn't working, you can simply hit reply to the first post, with quote on -- the full link should be evident there (eg, ).

  • 4 weeks later...

Here's some from my collection. These are all captured from vinyl, so please let me know if you need other parts of the tracks so I can sample those.












I have the 12" of Rump Shaker by Wreckx-N-Effect but not the LP. The 12" has "Teddy 2", "Radio Mix" and "Bonus Beats" mixes - I don't know if any of those have the break you're looking for, of if the break is only on the LP. If you have a low-quality sample of the break, or sample of a dnb track that uses the Rump Shaker break, please post it and I can see if that break is on the 12".


Thanks, RPM

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